Estimate your monthly and annual return on SEO investment (ROI) by inputting key metrics like monthly search volume, conversion rate, average sale amount, cost of goods sold, and monthly SEO investment. Instantly see your potential ROI in dollars and gain insights into the profitability of your SEO efforts.

Monthly Search Volume: estimated monthly searches for a keyword

Conversion Rate (%): percentage of actual customers from search volume

Average Sale Amount ($): average customer order value

Cost of Goods Sold ($): average cost to fulfill the customer order value

Monthly SEO Investment ($): your monthly SEO investment for the given keyword

This tool is designed to give you only a rough estimation, if you need more accurate SEO ROI calculations, contact an experienced SEO professional. Conversion rates vary depending on keyword, website, and other marketing initiatives.

SEO ROI Calculator

SEO ROI Calculator


Monthly ROI: $0.00

Annual ROI: $0.00

Annual ROI Percentage: 0.00%